Where should you begin? The good news: you probably don't need to start from a clean slate. Rather leverage all the work you have done over the years, and refocus it on what matters. Yes, you will WANT a new look and structure, but you don't need to reinvent the wheel.
I build prototype websites. Why would I invest time and effort without first demanding payment? After 25 years in this industry, I have found there are huge benefits for both me AND my clients.
How can you balance the WOW-factor of your sales-orientated website, with practical after-sales support? Having a focused technical resource hub improves customer satisfaction, resulting in repeat business and referrals.
Creating a support website is a good time to assess and improve technical support documents. This article is a checklist of what you can do to improve your after-sales technical support documentation.
Complex products come with a steep learning curve. don't let customers and installers get frustrated as they muddle through on their own. Your product deserves better!
I no longer click on Chatbots. Because the chat NEVER WORKS. 😒 Instant support is great. But it's not the best use of staff time, and AI isn't there yet. We need a new solution. We need "Alt-Chat".
Do you spending hours fiddling with code, when you should be focused on clear, concise content! The online support documentation website I offer is as easy as Word, but it has fast, automated Tables of Contents and cross-categorisation.
Indie Book authors - here's the sad truth. Amazon won't do anything to promote your book.  In the competitive world of book promotion, leveraging your own website is a powerful strategy. You own it, you control it.
Does your multiple choice quiz assess learning retention, or are your students simply guessing strategically? Here are some techniques and technology tools that improve your multiple choice quizzes in micro-learning.
Good manuals are good business.  What is the cost of adding a quick start guide, a YouTube video or some extra FAQs to your manual? Compare that to the cost of daily calls to your helpline, a bad review or a lost customer.
Frequently Asked Questions - or FAQs - are credible content that works. Most websites focus all their attention on getting the lead or sale. But FAQs are part of your sales credibility: they encourage both initial and REPEAT sales. They also draw attention to benefits and features in an easy-to-read format.
Do you need to train your employees on laws or regulations that apply to their job or your industry? What methods of training are available to you and what should you watch for.